Sunday, July 14, 2013

What happened to you that made you buy Precious Metals?

I am a fellow YouTuber who fell into the Silver Community in 2012. A lot of things have happened since 2008 in my life. Since then I have been thinking on what is happening and what I can do to fix things in my life. When I cam across YouTube I found the Silver Community and noticed since I have found the community how it continues to grow and grow. So I decided that I would take the opportunity and do some studies with random YouTubers to understand the thought process when it comes to Silver and Precious Metals.

On my YouTube Channel - Ape Man, I posted a video response to another YouTuber on What happened in your life or surroundings that caused you to buy or invest in Precious Metals. My questions are:

1. What Age Group Are You? (20-30) / (30-40) / (40-50) / (50-60) etc.

2. What Country are you in?

3. Your Story. What happened that made you buy Silver or PM's?

Below are a few links to the channel, study, and POW Blog.

YouTube Channel -

Study Video -

POW - Silver Blog -

Ape Man - Aaron

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